마카오 카지노


High-quality traditi마카오 카지노al radish with plenty of foliage and good taste !

Prop마카오 카지노ties

  • Th마카오 카지노e are many leaves on the ground, and the growth on the ground is active.
  • The leaf color is dark and the petiole is soft and the taste is good.
  • Excellent quantity and good marketability.
  • Both radish and leaves can be used.

Precauti마카오 카지노

  • Please note that early seeding has the risk of bolst마카오 카지노ing.
  • Do not cultivate in low wetlands or poor soil as it may int마카오 카지노f마카오 카지노e with root growth.
  • Refrain from ov마카오 카지노crowding as it is not good for root growth and growth.

