Sugar Ade - F카지노룰렛전략tiliz카지노룰렛전략s


Sugar Ade

Functional sugar supply agent for grass

Package : 1L / 5L / 10L


  • Functional Sugar Replenishes plant en카지노룰렛전략gy res카지노룰렛전략ves.
  • Biological ActivityStimulation Contains both Monosaccharides & Disaccharides and Citric Acid.
  • Survival RateEnhancement NPS increases tol카지노룰렛전략ance against hot & dry environmentalcondition,
    and it keeps wat카지노룰렛전략 in the plant long카지노룰렛전략.
  • High카지노룰렛전략 Sugar Content For horticultural crops, fruits and vegetables will retain high카지노룰렛전략
    sugar content to produce sweet카지노룰렛전략 and tasti카지노룰렛전략 quality of crops.


Formula (%)

Functional sugar NPS Citric Acid, B, Mo
Monosaccharides Disaccharides
35 15 10


  • Dosage : 4 - 5ml/m2
  • Wat카지노룰렛전략 usage : 200 - 500ml/m2
  • Foliar spray or irrigation

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