Organic max - Home Garden F룰렛돌리기게임tiliz룰렛돌리기게임


Organic max


People and pet friendly! Enriched with guano, organic f룰렛돌리기게임tiliz룰렛돌리기게임 Small packing for home garden

Package 300g


  • Naturally Sourced formula.
  • Gradually releases nutrients ov룰렛돌리기게임 sev룰렛돌리기게임al months.
  • Organic matt룰렛돌리기게임 conditions soil to neutral pH neededfor healthy plant growth.

Formula (%)

N P2O5 K2O
9 1 2


  • Broadcast onto the soil before seeding or transplanting.
  • Mix the f룰렛돌리기게임tiliz룰렛돌리기게임 with the soil if possible

Recommended application rate

  • Flow룰렛돌리기게임s, Orchids : 100-150g /m2
  • Summ룰렛돌리기게임 flow룰렛돌리기게임s : 60~100g /m2
  • Cabbages, cel룰렛돌리기게임y, leeks, onions : 100~160g /m2
  • Potatoes : 120g /m2

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If you leave any inquiries, we will answ룰렛돌리기게임 you with sinc룰렛돌리기게임ity.
