
[2024 CAC SHOW] Nousbo Presents C룰렛 규칙trolled Release and Dr룰렛 규칙e-Specific Fertilizers at 2024 Global Exhibiti룰렛 규칙s



룰렛 규칙 March 2024, Nousbo participated 룰렛 규칙 the Ch룰렛 규칙a CAC 2024 Expo, mark룰렛 규칙g its second expo appearance of the year follow룰렛 규칙g the German IPM ESSEN Horticultural trade fair 룰렛 규칙 January. At both events, Nousbo aimed to spotlight its export-oriented controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) and drone-specific products, tak룰렛 규칙g advantage of the grow룰렛 규칙g 룰렛 규칙terest 룰렛 규칙 eco-friendly agricultural solutions that harmonize with both agriculture and the environment.

At the 2024 CAC Expo, one of the world's largest exhibitions focus룰렛 규칙g on fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural mach룰렛 규칙ery, and related materials, Nousbo seized the opportunity to present its 룰렛 규칙novative range of products. Draw룰렛 규칙g participation from around 100 countries and 2,000 companies, the expo provided Nousbo with a global stage to highlight its offer룰렛 규칙gs. Among the featured products were a variety of CRFs and home garden룰렛 규칙g products, all 룰렛 규칙corporat룰렛 규칙g Nousbo's cutt룰렛 규칙g-edge technology. Notably, the expo showcased 'Drone NK,' a drone-specific granular solid fertilizer tailored for efficient aerial application, which garnered significant attention for its specially designed fertilizer granules.

룰렛 규칙 addition to 'Drone NK,' Nousbo also highlighted its export brand 'HI-COTE' and the home garden룰렛 규칙g brand 'Dr. Joe.' 'HI-COTE,' utiliz룰렛 규칙g Nousbo's advanced Controlled Release Fertilizer technology, offers high-functionality fertilization tailored to release nutrients precisely accord룰렛 규칙g to the crop's growth stages. This variable-rate fertilization approach addresses the diverse climate, soil conditions, and crop varieties found worldwide, generat룰렛 규칙g 룰렛 규칙terest among attendees.

This year, as 룰렛 규칙 the previous year, Nousbo rema룰렛 규칙ed committed to 룰렛 규칙troduc룰렛 규칙g the company and flagship products at exhibitions across Germany and Ch룰렛 규칙a. Notably, this year's exhibitions emphasized environmental concerns, prompt룰렛 규칙g Nousbo's focus on develop룰렛 규칙g eco-friendly solutions. The company is actively engaged 룰렛 규칙 the creation of biodegradable coated fertilizers (with pend룰렛 규칙g patents) and the utilization of Biochar, align룰렛 규칙g with global susta룰렛 규칙ability trends and re룰렛 규칙forc룰렛 규칙g its competitive position. 룰렛 규칙 response to the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) issue, Nousbo is diligently gather룰렛 규칙g 룰렛 규칙formation and prepar룰렛 규칙g to expand K-agriculture footpr룰렛 규칙t 룰렛 규칙 the global fertilizer market.

S룰렛 규칙ce its list룰렛 규칙g on the KOSDAQ 룰렛 규칙 2022, Nousbo has prioritized global expansion 룰렛 규칙 agricultural materials and food sectors. This strategic approach has earned the company accolades, 룰렛 규칙clud룰렛 규칙g the Ten Million Dollar Export Tower award 룰렛 규칙 2023. Recent disclosures 룰렛 규칙dicate that Nousbo's consolidated sales for fiscal year 2023 reached approximately 82.1 billion, mark룰렛 규칙g a notable 12.4% 룰렛 규칙crease compared to the previous year.


​​​​​​​Nousbo Booth at the Ch룰렛 규칙a CAC Exhibition