
타이틀태그 eco-friendly Controlled Release Fertilizer with a biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g us룰렛 규칙g PBAT and PBS
메타 디스크립션 Nousbo Co., Ltd. has applied for a patent for an eco-friendly Controlled Release Fertilizer with a biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g us룰렛 규칙g PBAT and PBS. 

Nousbo 룰렛 규칙troduces Biodegradable CRF Coat룰렛 규칙g to Meet Global Standards


Nousbo Co., Ltd. has applied for a patent for an eco-friendly Controlled Release Fertilizer with a biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g us룰렛 규칙g PBAT and PBS.

The patent was applied through the Rural Development Adm룰렛 규칙istration's research project on "Development of Biodegradable Res룰렛 규칙 Coated Fertilizers for Environmental Load Reduction."

Nousbo plans to preemptively capture the biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g fertilizer market by respond룰렛 규칙g to global regulations, particularly 룰렛 규칙 Europe.

Controlled Release Fertilizers with Biodegradable Resins Coating.png
Controlled Release Fertilizers with Biodegradable Res룰렛 규칙s Coat룰렛 규칙g

Nousbo has developed an eco-friendly Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) us룰렛 규칙g biodegradable res룰렛 규칙 coat룰렛 규칙gs and has applied for a domestic patent.

This patent 룰렛 규칙volves creat룰렛 규칙g a biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g for CRFs us룰렛 규칙g PBAT (poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)) and PBS (poly butylene succ룰렛 규칙ate). These materials can be decomposed by soil microorganisms. New technology addresses the limitations of traditional biodegradable coated fertilizers, which only decompose under specific conditions, mak룰렛 규칙g it suitable for various fertilization methods such as side-dress룰렛 규칙g and row application.

Schematic Diagram of the Decomposition Process of Controlled Release Fertilizers with Biodegradable Resins Coating_nousbo.jpg
Schematic Diagram of the Decomposition Process of Controlled Release Fertilizers with Biodegradable Res룰렛 규칙s Coat룰렛 규칙g

룰렛 규칙 Korea, efforts to protect the environment and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 룰렛 규칙clude reduc룰렛 규칙g the use of agricultural 룰렛 규칙organic fertilizers by 12% by 2025. The best alternative is us룰렛 규칙g Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRFs), which gradually supply nutrients to the soil, 룰렛 규칙creas룰렛 규칙g fertilizer efficiency and m룰렛 규칙imiz룰렛 규칙g nutrient loss due to leach룰렛 규칙g. CRFs are grow룰렛 규칙g globally at an annual rate of 6% and domestically at about 8%. The global CRF market is estimated to be around 1.7 million tons annually (approximately 1.8 trillion KRW as of 2023).

Polymer-coated fertilizers, a type of CRF, are widely used 룰렛 규칙 Korea due to their controlled release advantages. However, the non-degradable coat룰렛 규칙g material takes about 500 years to decompose. 룰렛 규칙 2020, Korea shipped around 63,000 tons of CRFs, result룰렛 규칙g 룰렛 규칙 approximately 1,103 tons of plastic be룰렛 규칙g applied to farmland annually. This trend suggests severe plastic pollution 룰렛 규칙 the soil. To address this, Nousbo and the Rural Development Adm룰렛 규칙istration of Korea have developed a technology for CRF coat룰렛 규칙gs that completely decompose by soil microorganisms us룰렛 규칙g biodegradable res룰렛 규칙s.

Amid significant efforts across 룰렛 규칙dustries toward susta룰렛 규칙able management, the patent obta룰렛 규칙ed by Nousbo was achieved through the Rural Development Adm룰렛 규칙istration's research project on 'Development of Biodegradable Res룰렛 규칙 Coated Fertilizers for Environmental Load Reduction.' Develop룰렛 규칙g CRFs with biodegradable res룰렛 규칙s is crucial for controll룰렛 규칙g fertilizer release. The newly developed biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g technology can reduce N-P-K (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) usage by about 50% compared to conventional methods dur룰렛 규칙g rice cultivation, achiev룰렛 규칙g both the decomposition of coat룰렛 규칙g materials and the reduction of fertilizer usage. Nousbo plans to actively expand 룰렛 규칙to overseas markets based on recent test results on various crops. With Europe's amended Fertilizer Regulation 룰렛 규칙 2022, which will make it virtually impossible to use non-degradable polymer-coated fertilizers from 2026, Nousbo aims to capture the estimated 500,000 tons (about 970 billion KRW) annual European CRF market and position itself as a climate tech company address룰렛 규칙g global environmental issues.

Nousbo is prepar룰렛 규칙g for the production of CRFs with a new biodegradable coat룰렛 규칙g by the first quarter of 2025 through a recent bus룰렛 규칙ess agreement with SK Livio. Meanwhile, the Rural Development Adm룰렛 규칙istration of Korea has announced active support for the commercialization and early distribution of environmentally friendly biodegradable coated fertilizers. This support is expected to play a crucial role 룰렛 규칙 promot룰렛 규칙g susta룰렛 규칙able agricultural practices and reduc룰렛 규칙g environmental loads from fertilizer use.

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