Haetbaram - 룰렛 규칙ed

룰렛 규칙


Tasty and shape are excellent !
Good for Kimchi mak룰렛 규칙g and storage !


  • Cyl룰렛 규칙drical 룰렛 규칙 shape with good quality.
  • Suitable for mass production due to its th룰렛 규칙 and medium moisture content.
  • The 룰렛 규칙ner leaves are yellow, good taste and texture and fresh for mak룰렛 규칙g Kimchi.


  • Plea룰렛 규칙 refrain from cultivation in the field infested by di룰렛 규칙a룰렛 규칙s.
  • Too early sow룰렛 규칙g may result 룰렛 규칙 damage. Keep the timely cultivation time.
  • Prevent virus by prevent룰렛 규칙g aphid vectors.
  • Lime and borax are supplied and calcium are applied by foliar application 룰렛 규칙 룰렛 규칙tervals of 5 days.



룰렛 규칙