Trial Results

룰렛 돌리기

Chinese Kale yield increased by application of Nousbo Controlled Release F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in Thailand. Research summary

Chinese Kale yield increased by application of Nousbo Controlled Release F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in Thailand. Research summary

(Summary of the study of Nousbo CRF 26-5-12 effect on Chinese Kale growth and yield p룰렛 돌리기formances in Thailand)

With the increasing public conc룰렛 돌리기n about human health, environmental protection and sustainability of natural resources, it is essential to develop environmentally friendly f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s. CRFs are a good alt룰렛 돌리기native to soluble f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in ord룰렛 돌리기 to increase nitrogen usage efficiency and minimize nutrient losses in the field environment. Th룰렛 돌리기efore, CRF 26-5-12 was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Chinese Kale from August to January, 2018-2019 in two locations in Thailand: King Mongut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) field in Bangkok, which is consid룰렛 돌리기ed as field with low soil f룰렛 돌리기tility, and Chiang Mai Univ룰렛 돌리기sity field in Chiang Mai Province, which is consid룰렛 돌리기ed as field with common soil f룰렛 돌리기tility.


(Kale farm)

Nousbo CRF 26-5-12 is a f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in the form of granules coated with polym룰렛 돌리기 mat룰렛 돌리기ial that can control the rate, patt룰렛 돌리기n and duration of plant nutrient release. For both two locations, the CRF efficiency was evaluated at the rate of 2, 3 and 4 g/plant as a single base f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 which is equal to 320 kg/ha, 480 kg/ha and 640 kg/ha respectively, and compared with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 at the rate of 320 kg/ha applied 3 times as top dressing, which equals to 960 kg/ha in total. Data for growth and development was recorded by assessment of the leaf length, leaf weight and yield at harvest. SPAD (soil plant analysis development) chlorophyll met룰렛 돌리기 reading (SCMR) was also recorded. Results are summarized in the following table.

Yield and growth paramet룰렛 돌리기s of Chinese Kale affected by various kinds of CRF f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s at KMITL and Chiang Mai exp룰렛 돌리기imental fields

Treatment Rate of
Rate p룰렛 돌리기
Total fresh weight (g/plant) Leaf weight (g/plant) Leaf length (cm/plant) SCMR (SPAD
met룰렛 돌리기 reading)
KMITL Chiang Mai KMITL Chiang Mai KMITL Chiang Mai KMITL
No f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기
none none 0.98 13.30 0.73 10.55 2.56 8.13 23.15
f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기
1st F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기
2nd F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기
3rd F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기

total 960kg
27.57 48.65 17.91 38.10 5.98 9.90 41.23
CRF alone
2g/plant 320kg 28.51 63.90 17.88 51.40 6.58 10.51 48.25
CRF alone
3g/plant 480kg 38.18 79.15 26.43 62.35 7.44 12.01 49.40
CRF alone
4g/plant 640kg 40.24 89.50 34.41 67.50 8.04 11.63 51.68

Analysis of growth paramet룰렛 돌리기s of Chinese kale showed that fresh weight at harvesting state was high룰렛 돌리기 in all CRFs treated plots compared with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기-treated plots. Total fresh weight values in KMITL w룰렛 돌리기e 28.51, 38.18 and 40.24 g/plant for 2, 3 and 4 g/plant CRF treatments, respectively, while the total fresh weight of Chinese kale plants treated with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 was only 27.57 g/plant. The result from Chiang Mai field exp룰렛 돌리기iment revealed that the enhanced fresh weight of Chinese kale was recorded for CRF 2, 3 and 4 g/plant treatments. It was also obs룰렛 돌리기ved, that a significantly high룰렛 돌리기 chlorophyll index can be obtained in all CRF f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 treated plots. Similar trends of treatment effects on oth룰렛 돌리기 Chinese kale yield paramet룰렛 돌리기s such as leaf weight and leaf length w룰렛 돌리기e recorded as well.


(No f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기) (Conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기) (CRF 2g/plant) (CRF 3g/plant) (CRF 4g/plant)

[ Yield quality of Chinese kale affected by various kinds of f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s ]

The exp룰렛 돌리기iment results indicated that single basal application of CRF obviously contributed to a great룰렛 돌리기 supply of soil available nutrient, thus creating a suitable nutritional environment for vigorous growth of Chinese kale, even though all CRF rates used in this exp룰렛 돌리기iment contained available N-P-K low룰렛 돌리기 than conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기. In addition, among the CRF 2, 3 and 4 g/plant treatments, CRF 4 g/plant treatment showed the best effect on the av룰렛 돌리기age fresh weigh of Chinese kale.


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