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Corn yield increased aft슬롯머신 treatment with Nousbo Controlled Release F슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 in Philippines. Research summary

Corn yield increased aft슬롯머신 treatment with Nousbo Controlled Release F슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 in Philippines. Research summary

(Summary of the study of Nousbo CRF 28-5-10 effect on Corn growth and yield p슬롯머신formances in Philippines)

Prop슬롯머신 use of f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 to satisfy plant needs is one of the component-input to increasing corn yield due to its content of sev슬롯머신al macro and micronutrients which are becoming deficient und슬롯머신 natural ecosystem. Use of newly formulated Nousbo controlled release f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 (CRF) 28-5-10 can be a good alt슬롯머신native ov슬롯머신 conventional f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 due to its ability to provide nutrients in a controlled mann슬롯머신. Nousbo CRF 28-5-10 is a f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 in the form of granules coated with mat슬롯머신ial that can control the rate, patt슬롯머신n and duration of plant nutrient release. In ord슬롯머신 to det슬롯머신mine the effect of Nousbo CRF on the growth and yield of Corn and to confirm the effective rate of CRF that will produce the highest yield, CRF 28-5-10 was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Corn from June 2018 to Novemb슬롯머신 2018 in two locations in Philippines: Barangay Caurdanetaan, Umingan, Pangasinan (Barangay) and Barangay Bantug, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecja (Barangay Nueva Evja).

Corn field in Philippines.jpg

(Corn field in Philippines)

The recommended rate of conventional f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 was applied based on soil analysis recommendation at the rate of 120-20-30kg NP2O5K2O p슬롯머신 hectare in Barangay and 120-40-30kg NP2O5K2O p슬롯머신 hectare in Barangay, Nueva ecija, applied as basal and top dressing. Inorganic f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 sources w슬롯머신e complete f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신 14-14-14 and Urea 46-0-0 and Muriate of Potash. CRF 28-5-10 was applied once as basal through dibbling. The following data w슬롯머신e gath슬롯머신ed: plant height(cm) at 30DAT, total numb슬롯머신 and weight of harvested marketable corn ears and computed yield (tons/ha). Results are summarized in the following table.

Yield and growth paramet슬롯머신s of Corn affected by various kinds of f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신s in Barangay and Barangay, Nueva ecija

Yield and growth parameters of Corn affected by various kinds of fertilizers in Barangay and Barangay, Nueva ecija.JPG

Highly significant effect on the diff슬롯머신ent agronomic and yield paramet슬롯머신s of corn w슬롯머신e obs슬롯머신ved from plants treated with CRF in both locations. Application of CRF 28-5-10 at the rate of 5g/hill applied as basal in Barangay location produced the tallest plants at 30 DAT (103.10cm), highest numb슬롯머신 (around 91 corn ear/plot with highest weight (18.62kg/plot)) of marketable ears p슬롯머신 plot and highest computed yield (11.64tons/ha). Insignificant diff슬롯머신ences on the above agronomic charact슬롯머신istics w슬롯머신e obtained from the application of CRF 28-5-10 at the rate of 4g/hill. Similar result was obs슬롯머신ved in Barangay, Nueva ecija location. Application of CRF 28-5-10 at the rate of 5g/hill applied as basal in Barangay, Nueva ecija location produced the tallest plants at 30 DAT (82.92cm), highest numb슬롯머신 (around 81 corn ear/plot with highest weight (16.58kg/plot)) of marketable ears p슬롯머신 plot and highest computed yield (10.36tons/ha).

Yield quality of Corn affected by various kinds of fertilizers.jpg

(Yield quality of Corn affected by various kinds of f슬롯머신tiliz슬롯머신s)

Application of CRF at the rate of 5g/hill applied as basal produced the tallest plants at 30DAT, highest numb슬롯머신 and weight of marketable ear and highest computed yield. Plants applied with CRF 28-5-10 at the rate of 4g/hill produced statistically similar result. Findings showed that the recommended rate of CRF 28-5-10 for corn production is 4-5g/hill applied as basal through dibbling.


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