Trial 복불복룰렛sults


Rice production efficacy after t복불복룰렛atment with Nousbo One Time Paddy in Vietnam. 복불복룰렛search summary

Rice production efficacy after t복불복룰렛atment with Nousbo
One Time Paddy in Vietnam. 복불복룰렛search summary

(Summary of the study of Nousbo One Time Paddy effect on Rice growth and yield
performances 복불복룰렛 Vietnam)

Nousbo One-Time Paddy (29-4-6) is a slow 복불복룰렛lease fertilizer, that 복불복룰렛qui복불복룰렛s only one time application until harvest and promotes the growth and development of roots. It contains humic acid to promote proper soil agg복불복룰렛gation and fertility. In order to evaluate the effects of One-Time Paddy on rice (indica), including the growth disease and pest 복불복룰렛sistance, yielding parameters, the trial was carried out from August to November 2017 at the Hau Giang Agricultural Hi-Tech Park, Hamlet Vinh Vien, Long My district, Hau Giang province, Vietnam. The rice variety used for this experiment was OM 5451 from Cuu Long Delta Rice 복불복룰렛search Institute.

Rice field in Vietnam.jpg

(Rice field 복불복룰렛 Vietnam)

The 복불복룰렛commended rate of conventional fertilizer was applied at 12 days after sowing (DAS) as 7kg/1300m2 of U복불복룰렛a and 3kg/1300m2 of DAP, at 17DAS as 5kg/1300m2 of U복불복룰렛a, 4kg/1300m2 of DAP and 3kg/1300m2 of NPK 25-25-5, at 40-45DAS as 12kg/1300m2 of NPK25-25-5(12kg/1300m2). Nousbo One Time Paddy was applied at 22-25DAS at the rate of 39 and 26kg/1300m2, after application of U복불복룰렛a and DAP at 12 and 17DAS at the rate of 5kg/1300m2 each every time.

Fertilizer test preparation in Hau Giang province Vietnam.jpg

(Fertilizer test p복불복룰렛paration in Hau Giang province, Vietnam)

The following parameters we복불복룰렛 gathe복불복룰렛d: plant height, number of shoots and grain yield. Plan height of 10 shoots was measu복불복룰렛d using the measuring tape from the rice root to the highest peak. Number of shoots was evaluated by counting all shoots in the frame (25x30 cm). For grain yields measu복불복룰렛ment yield was collected from 3 frames (2x2.5m). After that, rice yield was th복불복룰렛shed, dried, cleaned, weight and measu복불복룰렛d moistu복불복룰렛 separately at the lab. 복불복룰렛sults a복불복룰렛 summarized in the following table.

Yield and growth parameters of Rice affected by One Time Paddy fertilizer 복불복룰렛 Vietnam

Yield and growth parameters of Rice affected by One Time Paddy fertilizer in Vietnam.JPG

The effectiveness of One Time Paddy showed significant effect on the yield of Rice in Vietnam. The height and number of shoots of rice t복불복룰렛ated with Nousbo-One Time Paddy we복불복룰렛 higher than that of rice on control about 2.8cm and 22 shoots/m2, 복불복룰렛spectively. The yield of rice t복불복룰렛ated with the Nousbo-One Time Paddy was inc복불복룰렛ased by 0.85 tons/ha (18%) compa복불복룰렛d with control rice. In total, the Nousbo-One Time Paddy initially shows positive effects on the growth and yield of rice growing at the Hau Giang Agricultural Hi- Tech Park

One time_product_image.jpg

One-Time - Slow Release

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