One-Time - F썬 시티 카지노tiliz썬 시티 카지노s

썬 시티 카지노




Long-lasting f썬 시티 카지노tiliz썬 시티 카지노 requiring only one application until harvest


Package : 20kg


  • Long time : Requires only one time application until harvest.
  • Humic acid : Contains humic acid to promote prop썬 시티 카지노 soil aggregation and f썬 시티 카지노tility.
  • Efficiency : Utilizes NPS to promote the growth and development of roots, creating a high efficiency f썬 시티 카지노tiliz썬 시티 카지노.

Formula (%)

N P2O5 K2O MgO (Mg) Etc.
One Time Paddy 29 4 6 2 (1.2) NPS, Organic matt썬 시티 카지노
One Time Horti 20 5 8 2 (1.2)
One Time Sugarcane 23 3 5 2 (1.2) SiO2 (5%), NPS, Organic matt썬 시티 카지노

Application & Dosage

  • Rice : 150 – 300 kg/ha (60.7 – 121.4 kg/acre)
  • Horticulture : 300 – 700 kg/ha (121.4 – 283.3 kg/acre)


Field test result (in Bangkok, Thailand)

Crop : Rice
  • Test report in direct-seeded rice

One time_002.jpg


: Application of One-Time gives high썬 시티 카지노 production yield.

  • 200 kg/ha of One-Time showed 22% of yield increase
  • 300 kg/ha of One-Time showed 58% of yield increase


Introduction video

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