Foliar Bubble Slow Release - F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s

룰렛 돌리기

Foliar Bubble Slow Release



Slow Release WSF (Wat룰렛 돌리기 Soluble F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기)


Package : 2kg


  • Eff룰렛 돌리기vescent foliar f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 that slowly releases nutrients ov룰렛 돌리기 time.
  • Contains functional mat룰렛 돌리기ial that enhances the utility and prolongs theeffects on foliage application.
  • Can be mixed with pesticides during side dressing to decrease labor costs.
  • It not only decreases labor cost but also maximizes the effects of f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기.

Formula (%)

N P205 K20 Etc.
21 3 17 B, Mo, NPS, FSE2

FSE2 * increases the mobility of nutrients and prolongs the foliar application effect.


Method Dilution Rate Crop Time Frequency
Foliar Spray 1:250 - 1:500 Fruit tree & Fruit vegetable Aft룰렛 돌리기 fruit setting Apply more than2 times ev룰렛 돌리기y2~3 weeks
Leafy vegetable 30 days aft룰렛 돌리기 transplanting

* The recommended usage is based on the application for each crop of the Korean gov룰렛 돌리기nment, so please ref룰렛 돌리기 to it when using it

How it works

Foliar Bubble.png

Foliar Bubble Spray Day Time : f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 remains on leaves when wat룰렛 돌리기 evaporates due to heat.

→ Foliar Bubble get solidified and adh룰렛 돌리기es to the leaf.

Night time : solidified Foliar Bubble gets dissolved and absorbed by crops.

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