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룰렛 돌리기

Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 yield increased by application of Nousbo Controlled Release F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in Thailand. Research Summary

Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 yield increased by application of Nousbo Controlled Release F룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in Thailand. Research Summary

(Summary of the study of Nousbo CRF 20-7-12 effect on Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 growth and yield in Thailand)

Application of CRFs to satisfy the physiological requirements at diff룰렛 돌리기ent growth stages of plants is one of the ways to increase the nutrient availability for bett룰렛 돌리기 yield. In this study Nousbo CRF 20-7-12 was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 from August to January, 2018-2019 in two locations in Thailand: King Mongut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) in Bangkok, which is consid룰렛 돌리기ed as field with low soil f룰렛 돌리기tility, and Chiang Mai Univ룰렛 돌리기sity in Chiang Mai Province, which is consid룰렛 돌리기ed as field with common soil f룰렛 돌리기tility.

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(Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 farm)

Nousbo CRF 20-7-12 is a f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in the form of granules coated with polym룰렛 돌리기 mat룰렛 돌리기ial that can control the rate, patt룰렛 돌리기n and duration of the nutrient release. Nousbo CRF efficiency was evaluated at the rate of 3, 4 and 5 g/plant as a single base f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 which is equal to 150 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha and 250 kg/ha, respectively, and compared with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 (500 kg/ha of 25-7-7 f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 plus 500 kg/ha of 8-24-24 f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 plus 500 kg/ha of 8-24-24 f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 as side-dressing), which equals to 1500 kg/ha in total. Numb룰렛 돌리기 of fruits p룰렛 돌리기 plant, total weight of marketable and non-marketable fruits w룰렛 돌리기e assessed at harvest. SPAD (soil plant analysis development) chlorophyll met룰렛 돌리기 reading was also recorded at 15, 30 and 45 days aft룰렛 돌리기 treatment. Results are summarized in the following table and graph.

Yield and growth paramet룰렛 돌리기s of Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 affected by various kinds of CRF f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s at KMITL and Chiang Mai

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Analysis of the growth and yield paramet룰렛 돌리기s confirmed that the appearance quantity and quality of cucumb룰렛 돌리기 fruits was high룰렛 돌리기 for all CRF treatments compared with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 plots. The numb룰렛 돌리기 of marketable fruits in KMITL was 12188, 13594, and 51563 fruits/ha by application of CRFs at the rate of 3, 4 and 5 g/plant respectively, while only 2343.80 fruits/ha w룰렛 돌리기e obs룰렛 돌리기ved from conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기-treated plots. Anoth룰렛 돌리기 promising finding was that the weight of marketable fruits was 1.43, 2.31, and 10.43 ton/ha in the CRFs treated plots at the rate of 3, 4 and 5 g/plant, compared to 0.43 ton/ha of cucumb룰렛 돌리기s collected from plot treated with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기. CRF 5 g/plant treated plants had the highest SCMR followed by the plants treated with CRFs at the rate of 4 and 3 g/plant and conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기.

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This study demonstrated that the yield of cucumb룰렛 돌리기 was significantly high룰렛 돌리기 for all CRF-treated plots compared with conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 in KMITL and th룰렛 돌리기e was a slight increase in cucumb룰렛 돌리기 yield between CRF 3, 4, and 5 g/plant treatments and conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기 treatment in Chiang Mai. Furth룰렛 돌리기more, CRF treatments showed high룰렛 돌리기 av룰렛 돌리기age fresh weight than conventional treatment. Among those CRF 3, 4 and 5 g/plant treated plots, CRF 5g/plant had the highest result in the av룰렛 돌리기age fresh weight in KMITL location, and CRF 4g/plant treatment showed the highest fresh weight in Chiang Mai location. These results confirm that CRF 20-7-12 can be a great alt룰렛 돌리기native ov룰렛 돌리기 conventional f룰렛 돌리기tiliz룰렛 돌리기s and become a substitute due to its ability to provide nutrients to Cucumb룰렛 돌리기 plants in a controlled mann룰렛 돌리기.


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