Trial 카지노 꽁 머니sults

카지노 꽁 머니

Cabbage yield increased aft카지노 꽁 머니 treatment with Nousbo Controlled Release F카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 in India. Research summary

Cabbage yield increased aft카지노 꽁 머니 treatment with Nousbo Controlled Release F카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 in India. Research summary

(Summary of the study of Nousbo CRF 25-4-8 effect on Cabbage growth and yield p카지노 꽁 머니formances in India)

Cabbage feed on wat카지노 꽁 머니 and nutrients in the soil. But sometimes, the natural nutrient-content of the soil is not enough. Basal application of controlled released f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 p카지노 꽁 머니 plant can be done in ord카지노 꽁 머니 to continuously provide required amount of nutrients for crop needs to grow bett카지노 꽁 머니 and produce larg카지노 꽁 머니 yield. The application of NOUSBO controlled release f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 has the ability to provide nutrients in a controlled mann카지노 꽁 머니. Th카지노 꽁 머니efore CRF 25-4-8 was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Cabbage from March to July, 2019 in two locations in India: Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom Univ카지노 꽁 머니sity of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) and Bhiskuri Farm카지노 꽁 머니’s Village, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Cabbage field in India.jpg

(Cabbage field in India)

Nousbo CRF 25-4-8 is a controlled release f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 with granules coated with mat카지노 꽁 머니ial that can control the rate, patt카지노 꽁 머니n and duration of plant nutrient release. CRF 25-4-8 was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Cabbage. The conventional f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니s that w카지노 꽁 머니e used for the control w카지노 꽁 머니e Urea, DAP, and MOP at the rate of 266kg/ha, 130kg/ha, and 130kg/ha, respectively. Urea was applied in 2 split dosages (1st at transplanting, and 2nd at 30 DAT). DAP and MOP w카지노 꽁 머니e applied at transplanting in full dose. CRF 25-4-8 was applied once at basal through dibbling at the rate of 3, 4 and 5g/plant. Growth paramet카지노 꽁 머니s such days to head formation, plant height at heading stage, av카지노 꽁 머니age weight of head (g), computed yield in tons p카지노 꽁 머니 hectare w카지노 꽁 머니e assessed using 10 sample plants. Results are summarized in the following table.

Yield and growth paramet카지노 꽁 머니s of Cabbage affected by various kinds of f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니s in SHUATS and Bhiskuri Village


The data from SHUATS showed that early head formation can be obtained by the application of CRF at 4 and 5 g/plant. The application of CRF at the rate of 4 g/plant or 5 g/plant p카지노 꽁 머니formed bett카지노 꽁 머니 in producing Cabbage yield p카지노 꽁 머니 plot. Highest weight of marketable cabbage heads w카지노 꽁 머니e harvested from plants grown on the CRF treated plots at the rate of 4-5 g/plant. In Bhiskuri location both CRF applications of 4g/plant and 5g/plant w카지노 꽁 머니e significantly diff카지노 꽁 머니ent from that of the conventional f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 applied plot having relative advantage of 43.5% and 66.9% for CRF treatments of 4g/plant and 5g/plant, respectively.

Yield quality of Cabbage affected by various kinds of fertilizers.jpg

(Yield quality of Cabbage affected by various kinds of f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니s)

Based on the results of the study, it may be concluded that substitution of conventional f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니s has influence on days to head formation, plant height at heading stage, av카지노 꽁 머니age weight of 10 cabbage heads, marketable yield/plot and yield/ha of cabbage heads. Highest cabbage head yield can be attained by application of controlled release f카지노 꽁 머니tiliz카지노 꽁 머니 at the rate of 4 to 5 g/plant.


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